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Together they owned a turkey farm in Long Island which they lost due to imminent domain
The original fruit farm was built in 1942. Joe & Emily bought it with no knowledge or prior experience in fruit farming
Joe Jr. & Marylin relocate family from NYC to the farm to help on the farm
Joe Jr. helped expand the orchards from 100 to 400 acres
Joe III establishes NYC retail called Greenmarket, a game changing move for Red Jacket.
Launch NYC distribution, which grows from 1 retail market weekly to 50. Retail business grew to 40%
The Third generation joins with Mark working in sales. Built the juice facility, and opened the packhouse in 2010.
A family business in transition, Brian and Mark bought their dad out and in 2019 Brian bought mark out.
Thriving in our own lanes (Pivot to beverages)
Brian Nicholson