We've got the simplest way to cool off on a hot summer's day - Red Jacket Orchards popsicles. They are insanely easy to make, pack a host of nutrients, leave out all the fake corn syrups and additives you find in your typical popsicles, and offer a chilly fruity taste explosion. The great thing about these sweet treats is you can mix and match, personalizing your flavors. We made these with the classic RJO Fuji, RJO Apricot Stomp, RJO Strawberry, and RJO Raspberry. But really, the possibilities are endless - you could even add some fresh fruit at the bottom, such as raspberries, blueberries, black berries, currants and more. Go crazy! Show us what ya' got!

The process and ingredients are simple. All you need is:
- Red Jacket Orchards Cold-pressed juices
- A popsicle mold, we used this one
- To start, we poured the desired amount of juice in the mold then placed the mold in the freezer.
- After about 20 minutes, we carefully placed wooden popsicle sticks in center of each mold, puncturing the frozen layer on the top, then placed the mold back in for another 2o minutes for it to become more solid before adding a second layer of juice.
- We repeated this until the mold was full and then let the popsicles harden up for a minimum of 6 hours. Alternatively, you could simply use 1 flavor and use the mold tops/popsicle handles that come with the kit. Then, simply devour on a hot summers day!